
Sunday, 5 February 2017

Types of Software

 Types of Software

Types of Software are the
  • freeware Software
  • open source Software
  • public domain Software
  • proprietary Software
  • retail Software
  • shareware Software
  • trialware Software 

Freeware software: Freeware software is absolutely free software as the name says . Freeware software is used for a personal use. Freeware software can’t redistribute and modifying it. Some of the companies allow to modifying a software for personal use. For restrictions for particular software you have to refer to their terms and conditions. Freeware software is prevent any sort of modification by its users.

Open source software: In Open source software the code of the software is open for all. Any one can edit and redistribute the software as per their own requirements. Open source software can also sell new softwares by editing the software from the open source provided the company who originally created the product. All Open source software are can edit a software and create new versions and also distribute the new software is free.

Public domain software: Public domain software is the one for which is not copyright to any individual or organization. Public domain software is not related to freeware in any ways. For this software, there’s just no copyright involved.

Proprietary software
: A proprietary software it cannot be modified, shared,and redistributed by the any one. The proprietary software company which is providing the legal copyright for that particular proprietary software.

Retail software: Retail software is to sold to a customer in the form of a CD or a DVD. Retail software can be bought from a retail outlet so that the name retail software.

Shareware software: A shareware software can be distributed. The shareware software works like the full version of the software with some functionalities only. A user download the shareware software after some days gets a dialog box which asks him to buy the full version for unlimited functionalities.

Trialware or demoware software: A trailware software is provided to use only for trial purposes. A trial version has different sets of restrictions.The trailware software product is provided only some days. After the specified time has elapsed then the trialware software stops working and then the product software ask have to buy the full version.
 these are the softwares

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